Wednesday, 16 May 2012

What is the difference between Migraine and Chronic Migraine?

What is the difference between Migraine and Chronic Migraine?

Before I start detailing about my migraines, I thought I would just explain a little bit about migraines. Firstly, migraines are much much much more than 'just a headache'! Migraine is a headache with throbbing pain in the head, neck and face, sensitivity to light, noise, movement and often nausea. There are various things that can trigger migraines but with myself, no trigger has been found.

Chronic migraine is described as 'having more than 15 headache days per month, 8 of which are migraines.' I easily come under this category as I suffer 4-5 migraines a week and the other days I am left with what I like to call my 'migraine hangover'. 

The World Health Organisation categorised chronic migraine as being on the same level as dementia and being worse than being blind. It is an extremely disabling illness which turns your life upside down. There are of course lots of medication and other preventative action you can take. I will go into these on a later date (don't want to fry your brain with all this info!). 

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