Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Feeling Delicate

Feeling Delicate

Well it has been a rough couple of days. During the night on Monday, I woke up feeling out of breath and as if I couldn't breathe. I got up to get a glass of water and was stumbling all over the place, off balance, disorientated and my eyesight was blurry. I managed to get myself back to bed and tried to sleep it off. 

Today was even worse! I woke up this morning feeling truly awful. I had such a bad migraine I couldn't stop crying I was in so much pain. After spending most of the morning next to the toilet seat (I stopped counting how many times I was sick after 15), I called my mum and she came home from work to see how I was. She ended up calling the doctor out, who managed to put me out of my misery by one tiny little injection. It's amazing how after 45 minutes I was feeling so different and the migraine has eased off considerably .... If only I could have my own secret stash of that injection!!

Laura x

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Update :)

Update :)

Hello again! It has been a while since I have posted about how I've been getting along so thought I would update you all as I'm having a night of blogging :) I've had quite a few days to catch up on with the NMAM Challange!! I've been taking the pregablin now for almost two weeks and I haven't noticed a difference yet. With some medication, it does take a few weeks for them to work so I'm hoping they will start kicking in soon. I have got the doctors tomorrow so I'm hoping for some good news. I had a sports massage on Wednesday to try and relieve some neck and back pain so I have been very tender and sore over the past few days. If I didn't have a hot water bottle on, I had a hot bean bag or a thick layer of deep freeze. I'm still quite sore but feeling a lot less pain in my neck which is good and I've got to go back over a week to get another one. 

Hope you've all had migraine free weekends 

Laura x

NMAM Challange #10 Name the Spokesperson

Name the Spokesperson

Choose any celebrity to represent Migraine (whether they have Migraine or not), who would it be and why?

I would choose Marcia Cross who is more commonly known as Bree Van De Kamp from Desperate Housewives. I think she would be a good representative as having suffered from migraines herself, she understands how terrible they really are. Starring in a major show such as Desperate Housewives, Marcia could spread the word to other 'celebrity' friends and encourage more people to talk about it. With over 200,000 followers on Twitter and thousands of 'Likes' on Facebook, she already has the capacity to inform others about migraines. Every little helps :)

Laura x

NMAM Challange #9 Day Dream Believer

Day Dream Believer

Describe your dream day - without a Migraine to hold you back. 

Mine would actually be quite simple ... Waking up in the morning to go to work and having a busy morning there. Walking home at lunch on a sunny day to feed my gorgeous little cat. Back to work in the afternoon. Dinner and cocktails with the girls at night would complete it. It's the simple things you miss the most.

I can almost smell the mojito!!

Laura x

NMAM Challange #8 Let there be light

Let there be light

Most migraineurs have issues with light sensitivity. What do you do to cope with it?

Where to start?! 

  • I always have my vertical blinds closed in my room to keep out the light
  • I always carry sunglasses with me no matter what the weather
  • I always have the tv and laptop brightness turned down
  • I avoid going shopping due to the bright lights
  • I never go to the cinema

Pretty wild lifestyle if you ask me! In all seriousness, the bright glare from lights can make you feel 10 times worse so its much easier to block it out as much as possible.

Laura x

NMAM Challange #7 List Topper

List Topper

There are lots of myths and misconceptions about migraine. Which one tops your list as the biggest and most common? What can we do to get the truth out there?

'Migraine is just a headache' gets me everytime!!!! 

People that think this have obviously never had a migraine for start. The 'headache' is an understatement of the pain that you are in when you've got a migraine. You may also experience sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, dizzyness, confusion, fainting, loss of balance, the list really does go on. Then there's all the side effects to the medication, a whole other story!!!

If only they could walk in your shoes for just one day they would realise .....

Laura x 

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

NMAM Challange #6 Name that tune!

Name that tune!

Choose a theme song for Migraine disease or your headache disorder. 

 I found it quite hard to pick a theme song for when I've got a migraine, so I decided to go with a song which encourages me to fight chronic migraine (and makes me want to do silly dancing). 

 Hope you're all having a little dance along to this too :)

Laura x 

NMAM Challange #5 - Do that to me one more time!

Do that to me one more time!

What comfort measure do you find helps you enough during a Migraine that you go back to it again and again, and how do you use it?

I have quite a few different comfort measures that always seem to help a little bit:

  • Lying down in a darkened room
  • LOTS of water
  • Heat patch/hotwater bottle for my neck
  • Cool Patches for my forehead 
  • Something to eat (if I can stomach it)   

Laura x

Monday, 4 June 2012

National Migraine Awareness Month #4 - "June is Bustin' Out All Over"

June is Bustin' Out All Over 

What's the best tip you can offer others for having some summer fun despite Migraines?

Well, living in the North-East of Scotland I don't have to worry too much about the bright sunshine!! However, every now and then the sun suprises us and when it does, it can be torture for a migraine sufferer. 

My best advice is to always carry sunglasses to take away the bright glare from the sun, stay in the shade and to take it easy - the sun will always be there so need to go all out at once! Always take your medication, snacks and plenty water as dehydration can trigger migraines. These are all simple things to do which will hopefully help prevent migraines on those sunny days. 

Most importantly, if you feel up to it, go and enjoy the weather and try not to let migraines completely take over your life. 

Laura x

USA National Migraine Awareness Month - Blogging Challange

USA National Migraine Awareness Month - Blogging Challange

In the United States of America, the month of June is appointed to raise awareness about migraines. This years theme is to 'help make migraines visible' and they have set a blogging challange with topics for each day. I will be partaking in the blogging challange as much as possible and hope some of you will too.

The topics are as follows:
  1. Migraine Awareness Month #1: Your First for the First. Share the story of your first Migraine, what it was like, if you knew what it was, what you did, how you felt.  
  2. Migraine Awareness Month #2:  Tea for Two. If you could invite someone (any living person) to your home for tea for the purpose of explaining Migraine disease to them so they would truly understand it, who would it be and why?   
  3. Migraine Awareness Month #3:   Just shoot me now! What’s your worst Migraine trigger? Can you avoid it? How do you handle it?  
  4. Migraine Awareness Month #4:  ”June Is Bustin’ Out All Over!” What’s the best tip you can offer others for having some summer fun despite Migraines?  
  5. Migraine Awareness Month #5:   ”Do That To Me One More Time.” What comfort measure do you find helps you enough during a Migraine that you go back to it again and again, and how do you use it?  
  6. Migraine Awareness Month #6:   Name That Tune! Choose a theme song for Migraine disease or your headache disorder. See if you can find a YouTube video of it for your blog post.  
  7. Migraine Awareness Month #7:   List Topper. There are lots of myths and misconceptions about Migraine. Which one tops your list as the biggest and most common? What can we do to get the truth out there? 
  8. Migraine Awareness Month #8:  ”Let there be light.” Most Migraineurs have issues with light sensitivity. What do you do to cope with it?  
  9. Migraine Awareness Month #9:  ”Day Dream Believer.” Describe your dream day – without a Migraine to hold you back.  
  10. Migraine Awareness Month #20: Name the Spokesperson.Choose any celebrity to represent Migraine (whether they have Migraine or not) who would it be and why? 
  11. Migraine Awareness Month #11:  ”Say What?!” What’s the most ridiculous thing ever said to you about Migraines, who said it, and under what circumstances?  
  12. Migraine Awareness Month #12:  ”Let’s Do the Monster Mash!” Choose a movie monster that reminds you of your Migraines and tell us why.  
  13. Migraine Awareness Month #13: ”You Are Beautiful.” Write yourself a love letter. Tell yourself how wonderful you are. Remind yourself of the things you have accomplished despite Migraines. There are times when we need to be reminded of the good things about ourselves that others see that we may have missed.  
  14. Migraine Awareness Month #14:  ”Live Long, and Prosper.” Come up with a short, simple phrase or sentence that could be used when saying “Hello” or “Good-bye” that expresses your wishes for fellow Migraineurs.  
  15. Migraine Awareness Month #15:  Free Blog! Blog an a Migraine related topic of your choice.
  16. Migraine Awareness Month #16:  ”Lead, follow, or get our of the way.” Which role fits you and why? 
  17. Migraine Awareness Month #17:  ”Father Knows Best.” Some understand Migraines, some don’t. Write a letter to your father or the man closest to, and talk about your Migraines.  
  18. Migraine Awareness Month #18: ”The Price Is Right.” What one thing would you do for the Migraine community if money were no issue.  
  19. Migraine Awareness Month #19:  ”The Match Game.” Describe your perfect doctor to treat your Migraines.  
  20. Migraine Awareness Month #20:  ”Run, Forrest, Run!” Describe the approach you think is best when it’s time to more on to a new doctor.  
  21. Migraine Awareness Month #21:  ”Shaking in My Boots.” What’s your biggest Migraine related fear. How do you cope with it?  
  22. Migraine Awareness Month #22:  ”The Game Changer.” Tell us about a time your plans changed due either an unexpected Migraine or an unexpected Migraine-free experience.  
  23. Migraine Awareness Month #23:  ”I Drank the Kool-Aid!” We all try things out of desperation, even when our common sense is telling us they’re not going to do anything. Share your experience with this.  
  24. Migraine Awareness Month #24:  ”Dear Genie.” Put together a wish list for your life.  
  25. Migraine Awareness Month #25: ”Through My Children’s Eyes.” Write a letter to yourself from your children.  
  26. Migraine Awareness Month#26: ”From the Outside Looking In.” Write about what you think your family, friends an others think a day in life, a day with Migraine disease, is like.  
  27. Migraine Awareness Month #27: ”In my Head and Heart.” Who inspires you to keep trying and not give up, despite your Migraines?  
  28. Migraine Awareness Month #28: ”Lights, Camera, Action.” Pick a movie character you can identify with, talk a bit about them and why you identify with them.  
  29. Migraine Awareness Month #29: ”More Often that Not.” Today is Chronic Migraine Awareness Day. People with chronic Migraine have a Migraine more often than not. Think of and share a random act of kindness that you could do for someone with chronic Migraine.  
  30. Migraine Awareness Month #30: Blogger’s Pick. Choose your favorite blog from any of this month’s prompts from someone else’s blog to share with us and tell us why it’s your favorite.  
And a few extras – If you find yourself stumped by any of the prompts, here are three extras. You can substitute them for any three of the regular prompts:
  • Migraine Awareness Month:  ”I learned the hard way…” We learn a great many things the hard way, through experiences that are often difficult and unpleasant. Of all the things you’re learned the hard way, what sticks in your mind the most?
  • Migraine Awareness Month:  ”Carpe Diem, You Betcha!” Tell us about a time when you truly seized the day.
  • Migraine Awareness Month:  ”A Guy and a Girl Walk Into a Bar…” – Tell us your most amusing Migraine Story
Please Tweet your blog entries with the hash tags #NMAM and #NMAMBC and retweet others you see with those tags. They also ask if you would add this at the end of each post:
“National Migraine Awareness Month is initiated by the National Headache Foundation. The Blogger’s Challenge is initiated by www.FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.”
Happy blogging!
Laura x

Wednesday, 30 May 2012



I had my doctors appointment on Monday which I usually have every 2-3 weeks. As I explained in previous posts, I was told to increase my intake of the eletriptan tablets to see if it helps, which it didn't. Taking more of the eletriptan made my legs like jelly, felt even more light-headed and managed to get my words even more muddled up than usual. All of this would of been ok if it had some sort of effect on my migraines but as it sadly didn't so I have decreased the amount of eletriptan I take back to 2-3 times a week. 

When I went to see the specialist at the hospital a month ago, he went through all the medication that I had previously been on and noted that there was three which infact I haven't tried. These are Pregabalin, Zonisamide and Lacosamide. I was prescribed the pregablin and I'm going to start taking that tonight at 50mg for the first two days, then 100mg and then finally on to 150mg. I've also been so stiff and sore with my back and neck and I was told that pregablin will help with the neck pain which is good! I've been struggling to walk about today and just feel totally drained, think I could sleep for days! I'm going to try and book another sports massage as that did help last time with the neck pain. 

I'm also still waiting for my letter through from a doctor in Glasgow that does botox privately and after watching the One Show last night where they explained about chronic migraine and botox, I'm actually looking forward to getting it! The link is below if you missed it, its about 15 minutes into it.

Laura x

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Sunshine ...

Sunshine .... 

Well the past few days have been gorgeous! But for me, it's not been that good. Between the heat, the brightness and stuffy air it's not been fun!! Over the past couple of days I've only managed about seven hours sleep in total but trying not to sleep during the day as I don't want to over-sleep ... So many things to think about when trying to prevent migraines. Hopefully I'll have a much better sleep tonight.

I've been feeling even more off balance and not myself lately as I was told by a specialist that I could take more of my eletriptan than I have been. Before, I was only taking about 3-4 tablets a week, but lately I've been taking between 8-12 tablets along with my Sumatriptan injections. They've been dulling the pain but wow the side effects have increased! My speech has been effected by taking them and my legs have just been like jelly along with other things. I've got my usual doctor that I see every 2-3 weeks on Monday so I'm hopefully going to reduce the tablets back to where I was before as it's not making my migraines any better. 

I did manage to get out tonight for a couple of hours and had a little walk along the beach and an ice cream! 

Laura x

Monday, 21 May 2012

Hello again!

Hello again!

Hope you all had a lovely migraine free weekend! Just a little note to recommend a couple of websites that I find very helpful. 

I have found the Migraine Trust very beneficial with lots of information on their website. They also offer a 'Travelling Diary' which is used to write down your migraine experiences and is shared on their facebook and twitter account. I found it very helpful writing about my migraines (which is why I chose to do this) and it is nice to read other sufferers experiences too. I have posted the link below to the entry I did last August. 

Tracey, who runs Migraine Talk is very knowledgeable about migraines and has alot to offer. The Migraine Talk website also has a forum for sufferers and has the latest news and tests in migraine research. You can also follow Tracey on Twitter - her account is @MigraineTalk

Hope you find these links as useful as I do :) 

Laura x

Thursday, 17 May 2012

About my migraines ...

About my migraines ...

As I've already mentioned, I get migraines 4-5 times a week. They vary in length, some lasting a few hours, others lasting over a day. I've been on pretty much all migraine medication, none of which has dramatically reduced them. Some medication has helped take away the nausea but not got rid of the actual pain. I'm currently on Eletriptan and Sumatriptan Injections for the pain, however I'm not on any preventative medication as I normally don't agree with them! Its difficult to judge when to take the tablets as often you can only take a certain amount in a day/week so you have to consider if it is going to be a bad migraine. 

There are alot of side effects to the medication, but as long as it dulls the pain a little bit, it's not too bad. My side effects include always feeling like I'm in slow motion, I quite often get back ache due to lying down, light headed and dizzy feeling, tender stomach from being sick, getting my words mixed up and struggle to get them out properly (its very frustrating - I know in my head I want to say the word 'blue' but somehow the word 'red' will come out etc). The best way that I would describe myself when I'm on my medication is 'drunk' and I struggle to remember conversations that I've had when I'm on them.

If you've ever had a migraine before, I'm sure you will know how painful and frustrating it must be. I have tried heaps of other treatments including accupuncture, homeopathic remedies, hypnotherapy, sports massages and reflexology. I am open to try anything to get rid of them, I'm hopeful I will find something one day!! 

Laura x 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

What is the difference between Migraine and Chronic Migraine?

What is the difference between Migraine and Chronic Migraine?

Before I start detailing about my migraines, I thought I would just explain a little bit about migraines. Firstly, migraines are much much much more than 'just a headache'! Migraine is a headache with throbbing pain in the head, neck and face, sensitivity to light, noise, movement and often nausea. There are various things that can trigger migraines but with myself, no trigger has been found.

Chronic migraine is described as 'having more than 15 headache days per month, 8 of which are migraines.' I easily come under this category as I suffer 4-5 migraines a week and the other days I am left with what I like to call my 'migraine hangover'. 

The World Health Organisation categorised chronic migraine as being on the same level as dementia and being worse than being blind. It is an extremely disabling illness which turns your life upside down. There are of course lots of medication and other preventative action you can take. I will go into these on a later date (don't want to fry your brain with all this info!). 

Additonal information can be found under 'Favourite Links'.


Welcome to my blog! :)

Welcome to my blog! :) 

Where to start?! Well, my name is Laura and I'm 22 years old. I've been suffering from chronic migraine for just over four years now and decided to start my own blog detailing about it. I find that writing about my migraines help much more than talking about them. This blog will outline about chronic migraine, daily struggles of living with it and how I am trying to overcome my migraines with help of people closest to me. 

I hope this blog will interest those non and migraine sufferers

Happy reading! 

Laura x